


Updated on

September 6, 2024 6:52 PM

1.0 Parties and Definitions

n3tworth (“Business” or "Us" or "We"), the entity offering Credee Financing, refers to the provider or company rendering services (“Services”). The recipient of said services provided by the Business at a facility, office, or remote location is termed the “Customer” or "You." Credee Corporation (“Credee”) will initiate a Monthly Payment Plan with any Customer to assist the Business in providing services to the Customer.

Monthly Payment Plan: Credee offers a Monthly Payment Plan to simplify the process and finances for Customers. If you face financial difficulties, contact us for assistance.

Monthly Payment Plan Terms: Payment terms are specified and agreed upon by you when enrolling in the Monthly Payment Plan.

By entering into a financing agreement with us through Credee, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.

2.0. Agreement Purpose

The purpose of this (“Agreement”) is to document the terms under which Credee will facilitate, via the Credee platform, the initiation of a payment agreement with Any Customer.

3.0 Limitation of Liability

In no event shall the Business or its directors, employees, or agents be liable to the Customer or any third party for any direct, indirect, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special, or punitive damages, including lost profit, lost revenue, loss of data, or other damages arising from your use of the Business site or Credee platform, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Regardless of the form of action, our liability to you for any cause whatsoever will be limited to the amount paid, if any, by you to us during the six (6) month period prior to any cause of action arising. Some state laws do not allow limitations on implied warranties or the exclusion or limitation of certain damages. If these laws apply to you, some or all of the above disclaimers or limitations may not apply to you, and you may have additional rights.

4.0 Eligibility

To qualify for financing, you must be at least 18 years old and have the legal capacity to enter into this agreement. You will be required to submit a clear copy of your government-issued photo ID to keep on file and your signature.

Credit Check: Credee does not check credit as part of this agreement.

Credit Reporting: Credee may report payment activities to credit bureaus.

5.0 Payment Structure

Amount and Duration: Financing amounts and repayment terms are determined based on your project needs and your monthly budget. This can range from as little as 3 months to a maximum of 36 months.

Enrollment Fee: Customers are charged a one-time Enrollment Fee, as specified in Schedule A, upon enrolling in any Credee Monthly Payment Plan program. This fee is non-refundable.

Upfront Payment: Your Upfront Payment is a combined fee of your Down Payment and Credee's administration fee. The combined payment can range from 10-50%, depending on the price and scope of the project(s).

Recurring Payment Fee: A flat fee specified in Schedule A.

Repayment Schedule: Payments are due monthly, with the first principal payment starting 30 days after project commencement.

Contingent Enrollment: Enrollment in any program is contingent upon successful debit of the Enrollment Fee and Upfront Payment.

Interest Rates: Customers agree to the interest rate provided by Credee and/or the Business. Interest rates are fixed and disclosed upon approval of your financing application.

5.10 Early Payoff

No prepayment penalty for paying off the balance in full. A platform fee per payment is charged, along with an overseas platform fee for non-US debit/credit card use.

6.0 Late Payments and Default

Late Fee: Charged for late payments as specified in Schedule A.

Payment Extension Fee: Customers are responsible for paying the due date change fee, calculated based on the recurring payment amount and length of the extension.

6.10 Overdue Accounts

Payments are automatically deducted once funds are available. Credee reserves the right to sell or assign overdue Customer account receivables.

6.20 Delinquent Accounts

Credee collects on past due balances or missed payments at its discretion on behalf of the Business.

7.0 Schedules

7.10 Schedule A

Customer Enrollment Fee : A minimum charge of $99. This fee is subject to change as per ongoing promotional offers.

Late Fee: You will be charged 10% of your Recurring Payment Fee for every missed or late payment. This will be billed separately.

Change of Date Fee: As outlined in the Payment Extension Fee section

Platform Fee to the Customer: $3 OR 3% whichever is higher. Additional $1 or 1% (whichever is higher) will be charged as an overseas platform fee if you use a non US debit/credit card.

7.20 Down Payment Schedule

PlanBase Cost + taxes Down PaymentDP%
Basic (1 month)$1,700$510 30
Basic (2 months)$3,270$817.5 25
Basic (3 months)$4,905$981 20
Basic (4 months)$6,540$981 15
Basic (5 months)$8,175$817.5 10
Basic (6 months)$9,810$882.9 9
Basic (7 months)$11,445$915.6 8
Basic (8 months)$13,080$915.6 7
Basic (9 months)$14,715$882.9 6
Basic (10 months)$16,350$817.5 5
Basic (11 months)$17,985$719.4 4
Basic (12 months)$19,620$588.6 3
PlanBase Cost + taxes Down PaymentDP%
Standard (1 month)$3,270$981 30
Standard (2 months)$6,540$1,635 25
Standard (3 months)$9,810$1,962 20
Standard (4 months)$13,080$1,962 15
Standard (5 months)$16,350$1,635 10
Standard (6 months)$19,620$1,765.8 9
Standard (7 months)$22,890$1,831.2 8
Standard (8 months)$26,160$1,831.2 7
Standard (9 months)$29,430$1,765.8 6
Standard (10 months)$32,700$1,635 5
Standard (11 months)$35,970$1,438.8 4
Standard (12 months)$39,240$1,177.2 3
PlanBase Cost + taxes Down PaymentDP%
Enterprise (1 month)$13,080 $3,92430
Enterprise (2 months)$26,160 $6,54025
Enterprise (3 months)$39,240 $7,84820
Enterprise (4 months)$52,320 $7,84815
Enterprise (5 months)$65,400 $6,54010
Enterprise (6 months)$78,480 $7,063.29
Enterprise (7 months)$91,560 $7,324.88
Enterprise (8 months)$104,640 $7,324.87
Enterprise (9 months)$117,720 $7,063.26
Enterprise (10 months)$130,800 $6,5405
Enterprise (11 months)$143,880 $5,755.24
Enterprise (12 months)$156,960 $4,708.83

8.0 Billing and Payment

Payment Processing: Payment card information is collected and stored by Credee's payment processing partner. Platform fees are charged per payment.

ACH Verification: Authenticates accounts for ACH transactions using online banking credentials.

9.0 Cancellation, Refunds, and Right To Rescind

Only the Business may cancel the Monthly Payment Plan. Customers are responsible for making all payments.

Refunds: Credee does not provide refunds once approved. Refunds issued by Credee take up to 30 business days.

Customer's right to rescind: Customers have until midnight of the third business day to cancel the contract. All rescission requests must be sent by mail, email or other means of written communication. The Upfront Payment will only be refunded within the three day rescission time period. After this three day period, the Upfront Payment is non-refundable. The Down Payment cannot be rescinded.

9.10 Bankruptcy

If the event of a bankruptcy filing, the customer shall notify the Credee Legal Department immediately with a copy of the Notice of Bankruptcy to:

Credee Corporation Attn: Legal Department 1 Technology Drive Building | Suite 821 Irvine, CA 92618, with an electronic copy e-mailed to

A bankruptcy filing will effectively terminate all payment plans with Credee and all payments to the Business will immediately cease.

9.20 Death

In the event of the Customer’s death, the executor or personal representative for the Customer shall provide written notice to Credee within 90 days of passing..

Credee reserves the right to collect the remaining balance of the contract from the Customer’s estate, which will never collect more than either the value of the Customer’s estate subject to probate or the amount owed to Credee.

The notice and copy of the death certificate shall be mailed to:

Credee, Attn: Legal Department Mailing Address 1 Technology Drive Building I Suite 821 Irvine, CA 92618, or e-mailed to .

10.0 User Obligations

Accurate Information: You must provide truthful and accurate information during the application process.

Timely Payments: Ensure all payments are made on time according to the agreed schedule.

11.0 Account Ownership

Customer debt Is controlled solely by Credee, unless the Business requests a Customer account cancellation and/or a Customer account balance change in this Agreement. Credee reserves the right to sell or assign all overdue Customer account receivables to a third party at any time.

When a Business uses the Credee, the Business may choose to sell or assign their positive account receivables to a third party. If a Customer account has been sold by a Business, Credee will cancel the Customer account.

12.0 Dispute Resolution

Negotiation: Parties agree to attempt resolution through negotiation before pursuing legal action.

12.10 Attorney’s Fees

The prevailing party in any legal action may recover reasonable costs and attorney’s fees. Should Credee be the prevailing party, these fees will automatically be attached to your Credee account and will be deducted from future payouts.

12.20 Arbitration

In the event of any dispute, claim or controversy between or among the parties to this Agreement arising out of or relating to this Agreement or any breach thereof, including, without limitation, any claim that this Agreement or any of its parts is invalid, illegal or otherwise voidable or void, whether such dispute, claim or controversy sounds in contract, tort, equity or otherwise, and whether such dispute, claim or controversy relates to the meaning, interpretation, effect, validity, performance or enforcement of the Agreement, such dispute, claim or controversy shall be settled by and through an arbitration proceeding to be administered by the American Arbitration Association (or any like organization successor thereto) in Orange County, California, in accordance with the American Arbitration Association’s Commercial Arbitration Rules. Each of the parties to this Agreement hereby agrees and consents to such venue and waives any objection thereto. The arbitrability of any such dispute, claim or controversy shall likewise be determined in such arbitration. Such arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in as expedited a manner as is then permitted by the commercial arbitration rules (formal or informal) of the American Arbitration Association. Both the foregoing agreement of the parties to this Agreement to arbitrate any and all such disputes, claims and controversies and the results, determinations, findings, judgments and/or awards rendered through any such arbitration shall be final and binding on the parties hereto and may be specifically enforced by legal proceedings. Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement relating to which state laws govern this Agreement, all issues relating to arbitrability or the enforcement of the agreement to arbitrate contained herein shall be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C. §§ 1 et seq.) and the federal common law of arbitration.

12.30 Class Waiver

To the fullest extent permitted by Law, each of the parties agrees that any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, whether in arbitration or in court, will be conducted only on an individual basis and not in a class, consolidated or representative action. If for any reason a claim or dispute proceeds in court rather than through arbitration, each party knowingly and irrevocably waives any right to trial by jury in any action, proceeding or counterclaim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or any of the transactions contemplated between the parties.

13.0 Additional Provisions

Assignability: Credee may assign this Agreement at any time. Customer responsibilities are non-transferable without written consent.

Termination: n3tworth reserves the right to terminate this agreement if you breach any terms, including non-payment.

Severability: Unenforceable provisions are renegotiated in good faith.

No Waiver: Failure to enforce any right or remedy does not waive other rights or remedies.

Amendments: n3tworth may amend these terms with notice. Continued use of financing services constitutes acceptance of any changes.

Confidentiality: All personal and financial information will be kept confidential and used solely for the purposes of this agreement.

Governing Law: This agreement is governed by the laws of Texas, without regard to its conflict of law principles.

14.0 Contact Information

If there are any questions regarding these terms, you may contact us at or call us at 833-300-0475.

Mail to:

n3tworth Business Solutions, LLC

134 Vintage Park Blvd

Ste A-568

Houston, TX 77070